
Resuming Public MassUpdated March 5th 2022

Masses will be resumed

  • Holy mass will be resumed from Sunday, March 13th 2022
  • Wednesday and Thursday morning masses will also resume.

Infection prevention measures

COVID-19 precautionary measures in general

  • Before using the churchorthe meeting room, first disinfect the doorknobs, seats, desks, etc. with disinfectant or alcohol. Do the sameafter use.
  • Put analcohol at the entrance of the churchormeeting room for the attendee to use forproper disinfection.
  • Do not use the “aspersorium (holy water font)”at the entrance of the church.
  • Avoid confining the church or the meeting room,ventilate it throughout the year according to its size.
  • For the attendee; 1) wear facemask, 2) observe2m space as much as possible (designateseat to sit on), 3) refrain from singing or talking in a loud voice to prevent splash infection.
  • If you are an elderly with common illness (such as diabetes, heart disease, chronic obstructive respiratory disease or asthma, anti-cancer drug treatment), or if you have coldand anxious about your healthcondition,you may consider not attending the celebration.
  • Meetings (catechisms, church schools, etc.) should be limited toone hour.
  • No foods but only drinks are to be prepared for the meetings. Party is not yet allowed.

Offertory and Communion duringMass

  • Host and wine (water) will not be offered.
  • Prepare the Hostand wine near the altar in advance.
  • Cover the ciborium after puttingnecessary number of Host. Keep it covered during the Mass.
  • No hugging orshaking of hands during the "Greetings of Peace" just bowto each other while exchanginggreetings.
  • The priest and lay minister should sanitize their handsbefore communion. Even the faithful should also disinfect their hands before Communion.
  • After the priest received the Holy Communion, he will face the faithful and sayat once, "The Body of Christ,"and the congregation responds"Amen." He will thendistribute the Holy Communion to the faithful silently.
  • Communion “Under Both Kinds” (consecrated Host and Wine) is not allowed.
  • Please refrain from communion throughthe mouth (tongue) and do it by hand.
  • In order to shortenthe Para-Liturgy or Liturgy of the Word with Communion and to prevent splash infection, songs during celebration are not sung. However, the commentatormaysing the Responsorial Psalms and the Alleluia.

Bringing Holy Communion to the Sick

  • If you needto bring Holy Communion to the sick, follow the instructionsof the priest in charge in the block and take the aboveprecautionary measuresto prevent infection.

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